TensorFlow Serving

You are viewing documentation for Kubeflow 0.3

This is a static snapshot from the time of the Kubeflow 0.3 release.
For up-to-date information, see the latest version.

Training and serving using TFJob

Serving a model

We treat each deployed model as a component in your APP.

Generate Tensorflow model server component

ks generate tf-serving ${MODEL_COMPONENT} --name=${MODEL_NAME}

Serving http requests

To serve http traffic with the REST API, you can deploy the http-proxy container.

Deploy http proxy

ks param set ${MODEL_COMPONENT} deployHttpProxy true

TF Serving now has built-in http server. We will support this and make it easy to use soon.

Pointing to the model

Depending where model file is located, set correct parameters

Google cloud

ks param set ${MODEL_COMPONENT} modelPath ${MODEL_PATH}


To use S3, first you need to create secret that will contain access credentials.

apiVersion: v1
  name: secretname
kind: Secret

Enable S3, set url and point to correct Secret

ks param set ${MODEL_COMPONENT} modelPath ${MODEL_PATH}
ks param set ${MODEL_COMPONENT} s3Enable True
ks param set ${MODEL_COMPONENT} s3SecretName secretname

Optionally you can also override default parameters of S3

# S3 region
ks param set ${MODEL_COMPONENT} s3AwsRegion us-west-1

# true Whether or not to use https for S3 connections
ks param set ${MODEL_COMPONENT} s3UseHttps true

# Whether or not to verify https certificates for S3 connections
ks param set ${MODEL_COMPONENT} s3VerifySsl true

# URL for your s3-compatible endpoint.
ks param set ${MODEL_COMPONENT} s3Endpoint http://s3.us-west-1.amazonaws.com


ks param set ${MODEL_COMPONENT} modelPath ${MODEL_PATH}
ks param set ${MODEL_COMPONENT} modelStorageType ${MODEL_STORAGE_TYPE}
ks param set ${MODEL_COMPONENT} nfsPVC ${NFS_PVC_NAME}

Using GPU

To serve a model with GPU, first make sure your Kubernetes cluster has a GPU node. Then set an additional param:

ks param set ${MODEL_COMPONENT} numGpus 1

There is an example for serving an object detection model with GPU.


Deploy the model component. Ksonnet will pick up existing parameters for your environment (e.g. cloud, nocloud) and customize the resulting deployment appropriately. To see more parameters look through tf-serving v1 or later.

ks apply ${KF_ENV} -c ${MODEL_COMPONENT}

The model at gs://kubeflow-models/inception is publicly accessible. However, if your environment doesn’t have google cloud credential setup, TF serving will not be able to read the model. See this issue for example. To setup the google cloud credential, you should either have the environment variable GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS pointing to the credential file, or run gcloud auth login. See doc for more detail.

Sending prediction request directly

If the service type is LoadBalancer, it will have its own accessible external ip. Get the external ip by:

kubectl get svc inception

And then send the request

curl -X POST -d @input.json http://EXTERNAL_IP:8000/model/inception:predict

Sending prediction request through ingress and IAP

If the service type is ClusterIP, you can access through ingress. It’s protected and only one with right credentials can access the endpoint. Below shows how to programmatically authenticate a service account to access IAP.

  1. Save the client id you used to deploy Kubeflow as IAP_CLIENT_ID.
  2. Create a service account
    gcloud iam service-accounts create --project=$PROJECT $SERVICE_ACCOUNT
  3. Grant the service account access to IAP enabled resources:
    gcloud projects add-iam-policy-binding $PROJECT \
     --role roles/iap.httpsResourceAccessor \
     --member serviceAccount:$SERVICE_ACCOUNT
  4. Download the service account key:
    gcloud iam service-accounts keys create ${KEY_FILE} \
       --iam-account ${SERVICE_ACCOUNT}@${PROJECT}.iam.gserviceaccount.com
  5. Export the environment variable GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS to point to the key file of the service account.

Finally, you can send the request with this python script

python iap_request.py https://YOUR_HOST/models/MODEL_NAME/ IAP_CLIENT_ID --input=YOUR_INPUT_FILE

Telemetry using Istio

Please look at the Istio guide.

Logs and metrics with Stackdriver

See here for instructions to get logs and metrics using Stackdriver.

Request logging

It currently supports streaming to BigQuery.


Logging the requests and responses enables log analysis, continuous training, and skew detection.


Create the BigQuery dataset D and table T under your project P. The schema should also be set.

ks pkg install kubeflow/tf-serving
ks generate tf-serving-request-log mnist --gcpProject=P --dataset=D --table=T

Modify tf-serving-with-request-log.jsonnet as needed:

  • change the param of http proxy for logging, e.g. --request_log_prob=0.1 (Default is 0.01).
ks apply ENV -c mnist

Start sending requests, and the fluentd worker will stream them to BigQuery.

Next steps:

  1. Support different backends other than Bigquery
  2. Support request id (so that the logs can be joined). Issue.
  3. Optionally logs response and other metadata. We probably need a log config other than just sampling probability.